3D Scanning
Advanced Digital Imaging Technology
APEX Surgical Centre for Oral & Facial Surgery is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including hospital-grade diagnostic equipment, surgical and anaesthesia monitoring technology, and an advanced diagnostics imaging suite. 3D Cone Beam CT (CBCT) scans capture detailed, adjustable images of the face, neck, and mouth that our staff use to diagnose issues, create treatment plans, and monitor progress.
Benefits of 3D CBCT scans:
3D imaging has several benefits:
- A focused beam reduces scatter radiation, resulting in high image quality and more information than a traditional X-ray.
- We can manipulate, rotate, and view images from any angle.
- They capture bone and soft tissue at the same time.
- A single scan only takes seconds.
- They don’t leave radiation in the patient’s body after the scan is complete.
Improve Your Oral Health
Call our practice to see how we can improve your oral health and restore your smile. Our office is located on the southwest side of Kamloops, BC, and our staff looks forward to providing excellent care.